Head-to-toe bedside ultrasound for adult patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

Douflé G, Dragoi L, Morales Castro D, Sato K, Donker DW, Aissaoui N, Fan E, Schaubroeck H, Price S, Fraser JF, Combes A. Int. Care Med. DOI 10.1007/s00134-024-07333-7

Abstract: Bedside ultrasound represents a well-suited diagnostic and monitoring tool for patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) who may be too unstable for transport to other hospital areas for diagnostic tests. The role of ultrasound, however, starts even before ECMO initiation. Every patient considered for ECMO should have a thorough ultrasonographic assessment of cardiac and valvular function, as well as vascular anatomy without delaying ECMO cannulation. The role of pre-ECMO ultrasound is to confirm the indication for ECMO, identify clinical situations for which ECMO is not indicated, rule out contraindications, and inform the choice of ECMO configuration.


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