COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium:
A global collaboration born from a global crisis
Established in early 2020, the COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium (COVID Critical) is a global alliance of healthcare professionals and researchers committed to identifying the most effective treatments for critically ill COVID-19 patients.
At the beginning of the pandemic, there was a paucity of data that could be used to guide the management of critically ill patients with COVID-19. In response, COVID Critical, an international research and data-sharing collaborative, was assembled to harness the cumulative experience of intensive care units (ICUs) worldwide.
More than 400 hospitals and affiliated research facilities across 64 countries are contributing to COVID Critical’s world-first database to build an intensive care profile for a disease that was completely unknown before December 2019.
Proudly established and headquartered in Queensland, Australia, our mission is to equip all intensive care clinicians, regardless of nationality, affiliation or economic status, with the best and most up-to-date information to save lives and improve outcomes for patients with COVID-19.
A global alliance of over 400 hospitals in 64 countries, COVID Critical has created the world’s largest database of COVID-19 ICU patient information to support clinicians on the front line.
Are you a participating site? Click the link below to access important study documents.

COVID Critical research publications
Syed Ameen Ahmad, Yunis Mayasi, Thu-Lan Kelly, Nicole White, Jacky Suen, Denise Battaglini, Gianluigi Li Bassi, John F Fraser, Lavien Premraj, Rakesh C Arora, Diego Bastos, Glenn Whitman, Matthew Griffee, Jonathon P Fanning, Chiara Robba, Sung-Min Cho; COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium.
Maximilian Feth, Natasha Weaver, Robert B. Fanning, Sung‑Min Cho, Matthew J. Griffee, Mauro Panigada, Akram M. Zaaqoq, Ahmed Labib, Glenn J. R. Whitman, Rakesh C. Arora, Bo S. Kim, Nicole White, Jacky Y. Suen, Gianluigi Li Bassi, Giles J. Peek, Roberto Lorusso, Heidi Dalton, John F. Fraser and Jonathon P. Fanning on behalf of the COVID‑19 Critical Care Consortium
Samuel F Huth, Alexander Rothkopf, Lisa Smith, Nicole White, Gianluigi Li Bassi1, Jacky Y Suen, John F Fraser, COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium
Bairbre A. McNicholas, Emanuele Rezoagli, Andrew J. Simpkin, Sankalp Khanna, Jacky Y. Suen, Pauline Yeung, Daniel Brodie, Gianluigi Li Bassi, Tai Pham, Giacomo Bellani, John F. Fraser & John Laffey on behalf of the CCCC Consortium
Matthew J. Griffee, David A. Thomson, Jonathon Fanning, Dorothea Rosenberger, Adrian Barnett, Nicole M. White, Jacky Suen, John F. Fraser, Gianluigi Li Bassi & Sung-Min Cho On behalf of the COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium.
Erlina Burhan, Keibun Liu, Eva M. Marwali, Samuel Huth, Navy G. H. M. L. Wulung, Dafsah A. Juzar, Muhammad A. Taufik, Surya O. Wijaya, Dyah K. Wati, Neurinda P. Kusumastuti, Saptadi Yuliarto, Bhirowo Y. Pratomo, Erwin Pradian, Dadang H. Somasetia, Desy Rusmawatiningtyas, Arie Z. Fatoni, Jose M. Mandei, Eka Y. Lantang, Fajar Perdhana, Bambang P. Semedi, Muhammad Rayhan, Tiffany R. S. Tarigan, Nicole White, Gianluigi L. Bassi, Jacky Y. Suen, John F. Fraser.
Taniguchi H, Rätsep I, Heinsar S, Liu K, Cespedes M, Suen JY, Li Bassi G, Fraser JF, Jacobs JP, Peek GJ.
LF Reyes, S Murthy, E Garcia-Gallo, Covid-19 Critical Care Consortium, ISARIC Clinical Characterisation Group, et al.
Gandini L, Fior G, Schibler A, Obonyo N.G, Li Bassi G, Suen JY, Fraser JF
AM Zaaqoq, MJ Griffee, TL Kelly, JP Fanning, S Heinsar, JY Suen, Jacky, S Mariani, G Li Bassi, JP Jacobs, N White, JF Fraser, R Lorusso, GJ Peek, S Cho, COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium
Javidfar, J., Zaaqoq, A. M., Labib, A., Barnett, A. G., Hayanga, J. A., Eschun, G., Yamashita, M. H., Jacobs, J. P., Heinsar, S., Suen, J. Y., Fraser, J. F., Bassi, G. L., Arora, R. C., Peek, G. J., & Covid-19 Critical Care Consortium
Fanning, Jonathon P., Weaver, Natasha, Fanning, Robert B., Griffee, Matthew J., Cho Sung-Min, Panigada, Mauro, Obonyo, Nchafatso G. Zaaqoq, Akram M.; Rando, Hannah; Chia, Yew Woon; Fan, Bingwen Eugene; Sela, Declan; Chiumello, Davide; Coppola, Silvia; Labib, Ahmed; Whitman, Glenn J. R.; Arora, Rakesh C.; Kim, Bo S.; Motos, Anna; Torres, Antoni; Barbé, Ferran; Grasselli, Giacomo; Zanella, Alberto; Etchill, Eric; Usman, Asad Ali MMD, MPH30; Feth, Maximilian; White, Nicole M.; Suen, Jacky Y.; Li Bassi, Gianluigi; Peek, Giles J.; Fraser, John F.; Dalton, Heidi on behalf of the COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium (COVID Critical)
Sung Min Cho, Nicole White, Lavienraj Premraj, Denise Battaglini, Jonathon Fanning, Jacky Suen, Gianluigi Li Bassi, John Fraser, Chiara Robba, Matthew Griffee, Bhagteshwar Singh, Barbara Wanjiru Citarella, Laura Merson, Tom Solomon, David Thomson, the ISARIC Clinical Characterisation Group.
ISARIC Clinical Characterization Group, Esteban Garcia-Gallo, Laura Merson, Kalynn Kennon, Sadie Kelly, Barbara Wanjiru Citarella, Daniel Vidali Fryer, Sally Shrapnel, James Lee, Sara Duque, Yuli V. Fuentes, Valeria Balan, Sue Smith, Jia Wei, Bronner P. Gonçalves, Clark D. Russell, Louise Sigfrid, Andrew Dagens, Piero L. Olliaro, Joaquin Baruch, Christiana Kartsonaki, Jake Dunning, Amanda Rojek, Aasiyah Rashan, Abi Beane, Srinivas Murthy & Luis Felipe Reyes
Denise Battaglini, Lavienraj Premraj, Nicole White, Anna-Liisa Sutt, Chiara Robba, Sung-Min Cho, Ida Di Giacinto, Filippo Bressan, Massimiliano Sorbello, Brian Cuthbertson, Gianluigi Li Bassi, Jacky Suen, John Fraser, Paolo Pelosi.
Javidfar, Jeffrey; Zaaqoq, Akram M.; Barnett, Adrian; Labib, Ahmed; Arora, Rakesh; Hayanga, J. W. Awori; Eschun, Greg; Yamashita, Michael; Jacobs, Jeffrey; Heinsar, Silver; Suen, Jacky; Fraser, John; Bassi, Gianluigi Li; Peek, Giles.
Denise Battaglini, Lavienraj Premra, Matthew Griffee, Samuel Huth, Jonathon Fanning, Glenn Whitman, Diego Bastos Porto, Rakesh Arora, Lucian Durham, Eric Gnall, Marcelo Amato, Virginie Williams, Alexandre Noel, Sabrina Araujo De Franca, Gordan Samoukovic, Bambang Pujo, David Kent, Eva Marwali, Abdulrahman Al-Fares, Stephanie-Susanne Stecher, Mauro Panigada, Marco Giani24,25, Giuseppe Foti, Paolo Pelosi, Antonio Pesenti, Nicole Marie White, Gianluigi Li Bassi, Jacky Suen, John F. Fraser, Chiara Robba, Sung-Min Cho and the COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium
Li Bassi G, Gibbons K, Suen JY, Dalton HJ, White N, Corley A, Shrapnel S, Hinton S, Forsyth S, Laffey JG, Fan E, Fanning JP, Panigada M, Bartlett R, Brodie D, Burrell A, Chiumello D, Elhazmi A, Esperatti M, Grasselli G, Hodgson C, Ichiba S, Luna C, Marwali E, Merson L, Murthy S, Nichol A, Ogino M, Pelosi P, Torres A, Ng PY, Fraser JF; COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium.
Urner M, Barnett AG, Bassi GL, Brodie D, Dalton HJ, Ferguson ND, Heinsar S, Hodgson CL, Peek G, Shekar K, Suen JY, Fraser JF, Fan E; COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium
Battaglini D, Premraj L, Huth S, Fanning J, Whitman G, Arora RC, Bellapart J, Bastos Porto D, Taccone FS, Suen JY, Li Bassi G, Fraser JF, Badenes R, Cho SM, Robba C; COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium.
Kei Sato, Nicole White, Jonathon P. Fanning, Nchafatso Obonyo, Michael H. Yamashita, Vinesh Appadurai, Anna Ciullo, Meryta May, Elliott T. Worku, Leticia Helms, Shinichiro Ohshimo, Dafsah A. Juzar, Jacky Y. Suen, Gianluigi Li Bassi, John F. Fraser, Rakesh C. Arora on behalf of COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium Investigators
Lavienraj Premraj, Nivedha V. Kaanapali, Jack Briggs, Stella M. Seal, Denise Battaglini, Jonathon Fanning, Jacky Suen, Chiara Robb, John Fraser, Sung-Min Cho
Zaaqoq, A. M., Barnett, A. G., Griffee, M. J., MacLaren, G., Jacobs, J. P., Heinsar, S., Suen, J. Y., Bassi, G. L., Fraser, J. F., Dalton, H. J., Peek, G. J., COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium
Akram M. Zaaqoq, Adrian G. Barnett, Silver Heinsar, Matthew J. Griffee, Graeme MacLaren, Jeffrey P. Jacobs, Jacky Y. Suen, Gianluigi Li Bassi, John F. Fraser, Heidi J. Dalton, Giles J. Peek on behalf of the COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium
Javidfar, J., Labib, A., Ragazzo, G., Kurtzman, E., Callahan, M., Heinsar, S., Gudzenko, V., Barrett, P., Binongo, J., Wei, J. W., Fraser, J., Suen, J. Y., Li Bassi, G., Peek, G., & Covid-19 Critical Care Consortium
Cho SM, Premraj L, Fanning J, Huth S, Barnett A, Whitman G, Arora RC, Battaglini D, Porto DB, Choi H, Suen J, Bassi GL, Fraser JF, Robba C, Griffee M.
Gianluigi Li Bassi, Jacky Suen, Nicole White, Heidi Dalton, Jonathon Fanning, Amanda Corley, Sally Shrapnel, Samuel Hinton, Simon Forsyth, Rex Parsons, John Laffey, Eddy Fan, Robert Bartlett,Daniel Brodie, Aidan Burrell, Davide Chiumello, Alyaa Elhazmi, Giacomo Grasselli, Carol Hodgson, Shingo Ichiba, Carlos Luna, Eva Marwali, Laura Merson, Srinivas Murthy, Alistair Nichol, Mauro Panigada, Paolo Pelosi, Antonio Torres, Pauline Y Ng, Mark Ogino, John Fraser, on behalf of the COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium
Gianluigi Li Bassi, Jacky Y Suen, Heidi Dalton, Nicole White, Sally Shrapnel, Jonathon P Fanning, Benoit Liquet, Samuel Hinton, Aapeli Vuorinen, Gareth Booth, Jonathan E Millar, Simon Forsyth, Mauro Panigada, John Laffey, Daniel Brodie, Eddy Fan, Antoni Torres, Davide Chiumello, Amanda Corley, Alyaa Elhazmi, Carol Hodgson, Shingo Ichiba, Carlos Luna, Srinivas Murthy, Alistair Nichol, Pauline Yeung Ng, Mark Ogino, Antonio Pesenti, Huynh Trung Trieu, John Fraser, COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium
Samuel F. Huth, Sung-Min Cho, Chiara Robba, David Highton, Denise Battaglini, Judith Bellapart, Jacky Y. Suen, Gianluigi Li Bassi, Fabio Silvio Taccone, Rakesh C. Arora, Glenn Whitman, John Fraser, Jonathon P. Fanning.
Dao, B., et al. (2021). "Ethical factors determining ECMO allocation during the COVID-19 pandemic." Bmc Medical Ethics 22(1): 12.
Premraj L, Weaver NA, Ahmad SA, White N, Whitman G, Arora R, Battaglini D, Fanning J, Dalton H, Suen J, Li Bassi G, Fraser JF, Robba C, Griffee M, Cho S-M.
Feng SN, Kelly TL, Fraser JF, Li Bassi G, Suen J, Zaaqoq A, Griffee MJ, Arora RC, White N, Whitman G, Robba C, Battaglini D, Cho SM; COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium (CCCC)
Heisner S, Yoon HJ, White N, Griffee MJ, Suen JY, L Bassi G, Fanning JP, Shehatta AL, Alexander PMA, Jacobs JP, Dalton JH, Lorusso R, Cho SM, Peek GJ, Fraser JF, Covid-19 Critical Care Consortium (COVID Critical)
Battaglini D, White NM, Premraj L, Wanjiru Citarella B, Merson L, Robba C, Thomson D, Cho SM; ISARIC Clinical Characterization Group.
Battaglini D, Kelly TL, Griffee M, Fanning J, Premraj L, Whitman G, Porto DB, Arora R, Thomson D, Pelosi P, White NM, Bassi GL, Suen J, Fraser JF, Robba C, Cho SM; COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium Investigators.
Maximilian Feth, Natasha Weaver, Robert B. Fanning, Sung‑Min Cho, Matthew J. Griffee, Mauro Panigada, Akram M. Zaaqoq, Ahmed Labib, Glenn J. R. Whitman, Rakesh C. Arora, Bo S. Kim, Nicole White, Jacky Y. Suen, Gianluigi Li Bassi, Giles J. Peek, Roberto Lorusso, Heidi Dalton, John F. Fraser and Jonathon P. Fanning on behalf of the COVID‑19 Critical Care Consortium
Samuel F Huth, Alexander Rothkopf, Lisa Smith, Nicole White, Gianluigi Li Bassi1, Jacky Y Suen, John F Fraser, COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium
Sung-Min Cho, Lavienraj Premraj, Denise Battaglini, Jonathon Paul Fanning, Jacky Suen, Gianluigi Li Bassi, John Fraser, Chiara Robba, Matthew Griffee, Tom Solomon, Malcolm G Semple, Kenneth Baillie, Louise Sigfrid, Janet T Scott, Barbara Wanjiru Citarella, Laura Merson, Rakesh C Arora, Glenn Whitman, David Thomson, Nicole White, ISARIC Clinical Characterisation Group
Bairbre A. McNicholas, Emanuele Rezoagli, Andrew J. Simpkin, Sankalp Khanna, Jacky Y. Suen, Pauline Yeung, Daniel Brodie, Gianluigi Li Bassi, Tai Pham, Giacomo Bellani, John F. Fraser & John Laffey on behalf of the CCCC Consortium
Matthew J. Griffee, David A. Thomson, Jonathon Fanning, Dorothea Rosenberger, Adrian Barnett, Nicole M. White, Jacky Suen, John F. Fraser, Gianluigi Li Bassi & Sung-Min Cho On behalf of the COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium.
Erlina Burhan, Keibun Liu, Eva M. Marwali, Samuel Huth, Navy G. H. M. L. Wulung, Dafsah A. Juzar, Muhammad A. Taufik, Surya O. Wijaya, Dyah K. Wati, Neurinda P. Kusumastuti, Saptadi Yuliarto, Bhirowo Y. Pratomo, Erwin Pradian, Dadang H. Somasetia, Desy Rusmawatiningtyas, Arie Z. Fatoni, Jose M. Mandei, Eka Y. Lantang, Fajar Perdhana, Bambang P. Semedi, Muhammad Rayhan, Tiffany R. S. Tarigan, Nicole White, Gianluigi L. Bassi, Jacky Y. Suen, John F. Fraser.
Fanning, Jonathon P., Weaver, Natasha, Fanning, Robert B., Griffee, Matthew J., Cho Sung-Min, Panigada, Mauro, Obonyo, Nchafatso G. Zaaqoq, Akram M.; Rando, Hannah; Chia, Yew Woon; Fan, Bingwen Eugene; Sela, Declan; Chiumello, Davide; Coppola, Silvia; Labib, Ahmed; Whitman, Glenn J. R.; Arora, Rakesh C.; Kim, Bo S.; Motos, Anna; Torres, Antoni; Barbé, Ferran; Grasselli, Giacomo; Zanella, Alberto; Etchill, Eric; Usman, Asad Ali MMD, MPH30; Feth, Maximilian; White, Nicole M.; Suen, Jacky Y.; Li Bassi, Gianluigi; Peek, Giles J.; Fraser, John F.; Dalton, Heidi on behalf of the COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium (COVID Critical)
As the new chair of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO), John Fraser, MBChB, PhD, began talking with the group’s members last November about why influenza affects some people worse than others, so much so that they require extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).
How Australian medicos brought the world together to beat a deadly virus
An informal network of the globe’s most brilliant medical minds helped us understand how to treat critically ill COVID-19 patients.
In the news
A dedicated team at Brisbane's Prince Charles Hospital has collected COVID health data on critically ill patients across the globe. December 2021.
What does the Consortium mean to our global community
Established in 2020, the COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium was created to support ICUs at the coal face of the pandemic. The Australian-led initiative quickly became so much more.
On the world stage
The Expo 2020 World Majlis in Dubai brings together thought leaders, visionaries and changemakers to explore the future of faster and safer medical innovations. Prof Fraser joins the panel discussion At the Speed of Life - The Future of Medical Innovation 1 Feb 2022.
Other Critical Care Research Group projects
Cardiovascular technologies from idea to implementation.
Imperative research related to the heart, lungs and ECMO.
ICU of the Future
Reshaping the experience of intensive care.
PRIMELab has a multidisciplinary team of intensivists, cardiologists, cardiothoracic surgeons, anaesthetists, pneumologists, nurses, and respiratory therapists.
The Living Heart Project
Fixing broken hearts with Hypothermic Ex-Vivo Perfusion (HEVP).