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Over 100 publications - 20% of the research output of The Prince Charles Hospital
90 publications published by the CCRG research team.
63 publications published by the CCRG research team.
79 publications published by the CCRG research team.
74 publications published by the CCRG research team.
53 publications published by the CCRG research team.
63 publications published by the CCRG research team.
31 publications published by the CCRG research team.
38 publications published by the CCRG research team.
38 publications published by the CCRG research team.
48 publications published by the CCRG research team.
35 publications published by the CCRG research team.
38 publications published by the CCRG research team.
25 publications published by the CCRG research team.
24 publications published by the CCRG research team.
12 publications published by the CCRG research team.
4 publications published by the CCRG research team.
5 publications published by the CCRG research team.
5 publications published by the CCRG research team.
1 publication published by the CCRG research team.
Neurodevelopmental Outcomes After Nitric Oxide During Cardiopulmonary Bypass for Open Heart Surgery
Long, D. A., Gibbons, K. S., Horton, S. B., et al.
Sleep in the ICU – A complex challenge requiring multifactorial solutions
Tronstad,O., & Fraser, J. F.
Investigating Dose Level and Duration of Rehabilitation of Mechanically Ventilated Patients in the ICU
Watanabe, S., Liu, K., Hirota, Y., Naito, Y., Sato, N., Ishii, S., Yano, H., Ogata, R., Koyanagi, Y., Yasumura, D., Yamauchi, K., Suzuki, K., Katsukawa, H., Morita, Y., & Eikermann, M.
Securing Jugular Central Venous Catheters With Dressings Fixed to a Liquid Adhesive to Prevent Dressing Failure in Intensive Care Patients
Marsh, N., O’Brien, C., Larsen, E. N., Alexandrou, E., Ware, R. S., Pearse, I., Coyer, F., Patel, M. S., Royle, R. H., Rickard, C. M., Sosnowski, K., Harris, P. N. A., Laupland, K. B., Bauer, M. J., Fraser, J. F., McManus, C., Byrnes, J., & Corley, A.
Effect of early and later prone positioning on outcomes in invasively ventilated COVID-19 patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome
Simpkin, A. J., McNicholas, B. A., Hannon, D., Bartlett, R., Chiumello, D., Dalton, H. J., Gibbons, K., White, N., Merson, L., Fan, E., Panigada, M., Grasselli, G., Motos, A., Torres, A., Barbé, F., Yeung Ng, P., Fanning, J. P., Nichol, A., Suen, J. Y., Li Bassi, G., Fraser, J. F., & Laffey, J. G.
Major psychiatric comorbidity among the critically ill
Flaws, D., White, K., Edwards, F., Baker, S., Senthuran, S., Ramanan, M., Attokaran, A. G., Kumar, A., McCullough, J., Shekar, K., McIlroy, P., Tabah, A., Luke, S., Garrett, P., & Laupland, K. B.
Are ICU Bedspaces Based in Evidence, and Do They Support Patient Sleep?
Tronstad,O., Szollosi, I., Flaws, D., Zangerl, B., & Fraser, J. F.
Factors associated with ABCDEF bundle implementation for critically ill patients
Haruna, J., Unoki, T., Liu, K., Nakamura, K., Inoue, S., Nishida, O.
Ultraviolet-C-based sanitization is a cost-effective option for hospitals to manage health care-associated infection risks from high touch mobile phones
Cook, D. C., Olsen, M., Tronstad, O., Fraser, J. F., Goldsworthy, A., Alghafri, R., McKirdy, S. J., Tajouri, L.
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in diabetic ketoacidosis-related cardiac and respiratory failure
Sharif, A., Brewer, J. M., El Banayosy, A., Mihu, M. R., Reaves, Z., Swant, L. V., Schoaps, R. S., Benson, C., Khalid, M. I., & Maybauer, M. O.
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Protected Catheter Ablation in A Post-Cardiotomy Patient With Electrical Storm
Norawat, R., Maybauer, M.O., O'Keeffe, N., & Vohra, A.
External validation of the 0/1h-algorithm and derivation of a 0/2h-algorithm using a new point-of-care Hs-cTnI assay
Koechlin, L., Boeddinghaus, J., Lopez-Ayala, P., Wildi, K., Nestelberger, T., Wussler, D., Guzman Tacla, C.A., Holder, T., Muench-Gerber, T., Glaeser, J., Yufera Sanchez, A., Miró, Ò., Martin-Sanchez, F.J., Kawecki, D., Buergler, F., Buser, A., Huré, G., Rubini Giménez, M., Keller, D.I., Christ, M., Mueller, C.
Post-intensive care syndrome follow-up system after hospital discharge
Nakanishi, N., Liu, K., Hatakeyama, J., Kawauchi, A., Yoshida, M., Sumita, H., Miyamoto, K., & Nakamura, K.
Estimation of normal lung weight index in healthy female domestic pigs
Fioccola, A., Nicolardi, R.V., Pozzi, T., Fratti, I., Romitti, F., Collino, F., Reupke, V., Li Bassi, G., Protti, A., Santini, A., Cressoni, M., Busana, M., Moerer, O., Camporota, L., & Gattinoni, L.
A randomised controlled trial of interventions to promote adoption of physical activity in adults with severe mental illness
Chapman, J.J., Miatke, A., Dumuid, D., Migueles, J., Suetani, S., Korman, N., Trott, M., Byrne, J., Siskind, D., Johnston, D., Sewell, J., Breakspear, M., Patterson, S.
Navigating Nutrition Complexity in Critical Care
Freeman-Sanderson, A., Clayton, N. A., Zaga, C. J., Sutt, A.-L., & Brodsky, M. B.
Hospital-level volume in extracorporeal membrane oxygenation cases and death or disability at 6 months
Ertugrul, A. D., Serpa Neto, A., Fulcher, B. J., Charles-Nelson, A., Bailey, M., Burrell, A. J. C., Anderson, S., Bernard, S., Board, J. V., Brodie, D., Buhr, H., Cooper, D. J., Dicker, C., Fan, E., Fraser, J. F., Gattas, D. J., Hopper, I. K., Huckson, S., Linke, N. J., Litton, E., McGuinness, S. P., Nair, P., Orford, N., Parke, R. L., Pellegrino, V. A., Pilcher, D. V., Stub, D., Udy, A. A., Reddi, B. A. J., Trapani, T. V., Jones, A., Higgins, A. M., Hodgson, C. L.
Management of severe acute respiratory distress syndrome in Australia and New Zealand (SAGE-ANZ)
Parke, R. L., McGuinness, S. P., Cavadino, A., Cowdrey, K.-A., Bates, S., Bihari, S., Corley, A., Gilder, E., Hodgson, C., Litton, E., McArthur, C., Nichol, A., Parker, J., Turner, A., Webb, S., Van Haren, F. M. P.
Association between driving pressure, systemic inflammation and non-pulmonary organ dysfunction in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome
Barbeta, E., Ferrando, C., López-Aladid, R., Motos, A., Bueno-Freire, L., Fernández-Barat, L., Soler-Comas, A., Palomeque, A., Gabarrús, A., Artigas, A., Camprubí-Rimblas, M., Li Bassi, G., López-Sobrino, T., Sandoval, E., Toapanta, D., Fernández, S., Mellado-Artigas, R., Zattera, L., Vallverdú, J., Laffey, J. G., Ferrer, M., Torres, A.
Extended perioperative use of the ProtekDuo cannula for drainage in central venopulmonary-aortic ECMO forbilateral orthotopic lung transplantation
Stukov, Y., Rackauskas, M., Saha, B., Gries, C., Weir, W., Emtiazjoo, A., Maybauer, M. O.