High-flow nasal oxygen for children's airway surgery to reduce hypoxaemic events

A randomised controlled trial.

Humphreys S, von Ungern-Sternberg BS, Taverner F, Davidson A, Skowno J, Hallett B, Sommerfield D, Hauser N, Williams T, Spall S, Pham T, Atkins T, Jones M, King E, Burgoyne L, Stephens P, Vijayasekaran S, Slee N, Burns H, Franklin D, Hough J, Schibler A Lancet Respir Med DOI 10.1016/S2213-2600(24)00115-2

Background: Tubeless upper airway surgery in children is a complex procedure in which surgeons and anaesthetists share the same operating field. These procedures are often interrupted for rescue oxygen therapy. The efficacy of nasal high-flow oxygen to decrease the frequency of rescue interruptions in children undergoing upper airway surgery is unknown.


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