A randomised controlled trial of amniotic …

Fraser, J. F., et al. (2009). "A randomised controlled trial of amniotic membrane in the treatment of a standardised burn injury in the merino lamb." Burns 35(7): 998-1003.

Burn injury is associated with disabling scar formation which impacts on many aspects of the patient's life. Previously we have shown that the fetus heals a deep dermal burn in a scarless fashion. Amniotic membrane (AM) is the outermost fetal tisue and has beeen used as a dressing in thermal injuries, though there is little data to support this use. To assess the efficacy of AM in scar minimisation after deep dermal burn wound, we conducted a randomised controlled study in the 1-month lamb. Lambs were delivered by caesarian section and the amniotic membranes stored after which lambs were returned to their mothers post-operatively. At 1 month, a standardised deep dermal burn was created under general anaesthesia. on both flanks of the lamb. One flank was covered with unmatched AM, the other with paraffin gauze. Animals were sequentially euthanased from Day 3-60 after injury and tissue analysed for histopathology and immunohistochemically for alpha-smooth muscle actin (alpha SMA) content. AM resulted in reduced scar tissue as assessed histopathologically and reduced aSMA content. This study provides the first laboratory evidence that AM may reduce scar formation after burn injury. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.


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Multicentre, randomised trial to investigate …