Intensive care digital health response to …

Kirrane, M. D., et al. (2021). "Intensive care digital health response to emerging infectious disease outbreaks such as COVID-19." Anaesthesia and Intensive Care 49(2): 105-111.

The COVID-19 pandemic has required intensive care units to rapidly adjust and adapt their existing practices. Although there has a focus on expanding critical care infrastructure, equipment and workforce, plans have not emphasised the need to increase digital capabilities. The objective of this report was to recognise key areas of digital health related to the COVID-19 response. We identified and explored six focus areas relevant to intensive care, including using digital solutions to increase critical care capacity, developing surge capacity within an electronic health record, maintenance and downtime planning, training considerations and the role of data analytics. This article forms the basis of a framework for the intensive care digital health response to COVID-19 and other emerging infectious disease outbreaks.


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