Population pharmacokinetics of vancomycin in critically ill adult patients receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (an ASAP ECMO study)

Cheng, V., Abdul-Aziz, M. H., Burrows, F., Buscher, H., Cho, Y. J., Corley, A., Diehl, A., Gilder, E., Jakob, S. M., Kim, H. S., Levkovich, B. J., Lim, S. Y., McGuinness, S., Parke, R., Pellegrino, V., Que, Y. A., Reynolds, C., Rudham, S., Wallis, S. C., Welch, S. A., … ASAP ECMO Investigators (2022). https://doi.org/10.1128/AAC.01377-21

Abstract: Our study aimed to describe the population pharmacokinetics (PK) of vancomycin in critically ill patients receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), including those receiving concomitant renal replacement therapy (RRT). Dosing simulations were used to recommend maximally effective and safe dosing regimens. Serial vancomycin plasma concentrations were measured and analyzed using a population PK approach on Pmetrics. The final model was used to identify dosing regimens that achieved target exposures of area under the curve (AUC0-24) of 400-700 mg · h/liter at steady state. Twenty-two patients were enrolled, of which 11 patients received concomitant RRT. 


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