The effect of an improved ICU physical environment on outcomes and post-ICU recovery—a protocol

Tronstad O, Zangerl B, Patterson S, Flaws D, Yerkovich S, Szollosi I, White N, Garcia-Hansen V, Leonard FR, Weger BD, Gachon F, Brain D, Lavana J, Hodgson C, Fraser JF. Trials DOI 10.1186/s13063-024-08222-6

Background: Intensive care medicine continues to improve, with advances in technology and care provision leading to improved patient survival. However, this has not been matched by similar advances in ICU bedspace design. Environmental factors including excessive noise, suboptimal lighting, and lack of natural lights and views can adversely impact staff wellbeing and short- and long-term patient outcomes. The personal, social, and economic costs associated with this are potentially large.


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