CCRG Fellow wins EuroELSO Young Investigator Award for the second time.
Congratulations are in order for the Critical Care Research Group’s Dr Silver Heinsar who has been named as one of twelve ELSO Young Investigators for 2022. Dr Heinsar is a junior doctor specialising in cardiology and an emerging critical care researcher at the Critical Care Research Group.
The EuroELSO Young Investigator Award supports young research fellows to attend congresses of the various Extracorporeal Life Support Organisation chapters and present their scientific abstracts to the world’s top ECMO leaders.
Dr Heinsar attended the 10th Congress of the European Extracorporeal Life Support Organisation (EuroELSO) in London, May 2022 to present two recent scientific abstracts. Firstly, Level of sedation in patients with COVID-19 supported with ECMO: A comparative analysis of the Critical Care Consortium international database, on behalf of the COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium (COVID Critical), and Comparison of blood trauma in an ovine model of cardiogenic shock supported by pulsatile and continuous-flow VA ECMO.
Congratulations to the proud Estonian who was able to reconnect with his supervisor and mentor Indrek Rätsep from the North Estonia Medical Centre Foundation during the Congress.
Dr Heinsar at the COVID-19 Critical Care Research Group Reception at EuroELSO in London, 4 May 2022.
Dr Heinsar with Indrek Rätsep (left) from the North Estonia Medical Centre Foundation
Dr Heinsar is presented his award by Nicholas Barrett, Congress Chair, European Extracorporeal Life Support Organisation
Dr Heinsar presents his poster at EuroELSO in London, May 2022
Dr Heinsar (fourth from left) joins other researchers onstage for a discussion on awake ECMO