Farewell Chris Parker
This week we came together to acknowledge the long service and dedication of The Prince Charles Hospital Library’s Chris Parker. Chris, who has been a Librarian at The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH) since 1996, will shortly take several months leave, to test out the idea of retirement!
Chris has led the delivery of high quality library services at TPCH for the last 25 years, playing a key role in the development and design of the current library facility. His dedication, support and enthusiasm have left their mark on the hundreds of local and international Critical Care Research Group students and researchers who have benefited from Chris’ compassion, professionalism and expertise.
No problem is ever too big or too hard for Chris, and we greatly appreciate your service and dedication to helping our researchers.
Pictured (L-R): Critical Care Research Group Director Professor John Fraser, Chris Parker, and Former TPCH Executive Director Jon Roberts.
Pictured (middle front row): Critical Care Research Group Director Professor John Fraser, TPCH Executive Director Tami Photinos, Chris Parker, and Former TPCH Executive Director Jon Roberts, with members from the Critical Care Research Group.
Professor Fraser presented Chris with an award of recognition for the difference he made to the thousands of patients, and hundreds of local and international students and researchers he has helped during his tenure at TPCH.
We wish him best for his well-deserved break.