Life-support system reduced COVID-19 mortality by 7.1%, study shows
ECMO was associated with a reduction in mortality in selected adults with covid-19 associated respiratory failure.

Farewell Chris Parker
This week we came together to acknowledge the long service and dedication of The Prince Charles Hospital Library’s Chris Parker.
Meet Chris Hoi Houng Chan
After finishing his chemical engineering PhD in fluid dynamic at Swansea University, Chris Chan went on to study a different sort of fluid… blood! We spoke to Chris about his work with CCRG’s ICETlab and complex blood flow systems in artificial hearts.
ICU of the Future prototype showcase
Did you know that up to 75% of patients admitted to ICU can experience delirium, many developing PTSD, depression and anxiety as a direct result of the ICU environment.

Optimising the ICU environment to aid recovery
Up to 75% of ICU patients will experience cognitive problems (including delirium) or mental trauma during or after their admission.
Director John Fraser inducted as ELSO Fellow
Induction into Fellowship of the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization is an honour bestowed on select physicians, nurses, perfusionists, therapists and researchers who have provided distinctive contributions to the global art and science of extracorporeal support delivery.