Two-week placement for Hong Kong graduate, Kelly Lee
CCRG recently hosted Kelly Lee, a medical graduate from Hong Kong, for a two-week exchange as part of our commitment to supporting early and mid-career researchers. Kelly was introduced to CCRG by her senior colleagues Dr Sin Wai Ching Simon and Dr Pauline Yeung Ng, who both attended the inaugural CRIKEY Summit in March.
“Dr Sin was aware of the extraordinary work CCRG is doing and has been attending international conferences with members of the group for some time. With my interest and passion in critical care, he recommended me to visit CCRG’s headquarters in Brisbane, Australia to explore what future collaborations might look like,” said Kelly.
Ahead of the two-week placement, CCRG Scientific Lead and STARLab Director Dr Jacky Suen put together a comprehensive schedule of meetings to ensure Kelly had full exposure to the group’s multidisciplinary team.
“I had daily meetings with researchers from all over the world and thought-provoking discussions about their research projects, including ECMO, heart failure, heart transplantation, respiratory failure, sepsis and ICU of the Future. It was extremely inspiring to talk to these passionate individuals with a diverse mindset who strive for better medical care for the patients.”
Kelly says she was surprised to discover how diverse the Group is, consisting of not only medical practitioners and scientists, but also engineers, statisticians, support staff and communications experts.
“One of the most memorable moments of my time with CCRG was assisting with a preclinical experiment for a study on biofluids in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
“Apart from the research experience, I also visited the ICU at a local hospital to gain a deeper understanding of the local hospital system and learn more about how clinicians approach different cases, how to identify knowledge gaps in the current medical field for critical care that require research to fill."
“The 2-week journey was rewarding and thought-provoking, and I am beyond grateful for the experience. I will definitely consider collaborating with CCRG in the future once I gain a little more experience and have further developed my skills as a doctor.”
Click here to learn more about opportunities to visit and collaborate with CCRG through the CCRG Fellowship Programme.
Kelly Lee (centre) with CCRG’s Dr Nchafatso Obonyo and Dr Jacky Suen.
CCRG Fellowship Programme now open
Learn more about unique ways to advance your research career with the Critical Care Research Group. From Estonia to Kenya, Italy to Japan, our Fellows come from all corners of the globe, with enthusiasm, dedication, hard work and integrity, as we look at ways to advance clinical understanding of critical illness.
Interested in joining us? Read more and apply below.