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90 publications published by the CCRG research team.
63 publications published by the CCRG research team.
79 publications published by the CCRG research team.
74 publications published by the CCRG research team.
53 publications published by the CCRG research team.
63 publications published by the CCRG research team.
31 publications published by the CCRG research team.
38 publications published by the CCRG research team.
38 publications published by the CCRG research team.
48 publications published by the CCRG research team.
35 publications published by the CCRG research team.
38 publications published by the CCRG research team.
25 publications published by the CCRG research team.
24 publications published by the CCRG research team.
12 publications published by the CCRG research team.
4 publications published by the CCRG research team.
5 publications published by the CCRG research team.
5 publications published by the CCRG research team.
1 publication published by the CCRG research team.
Risk factors for bleeding complications during venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation as a bridge to recovery
Kawauchi A, Liu K, Nakamura M, Suzuki H, Fujizuka K, Nakano M.
Incidence of death or disability at 6 months after ECMO in Australia: a prospective, multicentre, registry-embedded cohort study
Carol L Hodgson, Alisa M Higgins, Michael J Bailey, Shannah Anderson, Stephen Bernard, Bentley J Fulcher, Denise Koe, Natalie J Linke, Jasmin V Board, Daniel Brodie, Heidi Buhr, Aidan J C Burrell, D James Cooper, Eddy Fan, John F Fraser, David J Gattas, Ingrid K Hopper, Sue Huckson, Edward Litton, Shay P McGuinness, Priya Nair, Neil Orford, Rachael L Parke, Vincent A Pellegrino, David V Pilcher, Jayne Sheldrake, Benjamin A J Reddi, Dion Stub, Tony V Trapani, Andrew A Udy, Ary Serpa Neto et al.
Validation of Messenger Ribonucleic Acid Markers Differentiating Among Human ARDS Subgroups in an Ovine Model of ARDS Phenotypes
Wildi K, Hyslop K, Millar J, Livingstone S, Passmore MR, Bouquet M, Wilson E, LiBassi G, Fraser JF, Suen JY.
Transcriptomic profiling of cardiac tissues from SARS-CoV-2 patients identifies DNA damage
A Kulasinghe, N Liu, C W Tan, J Monkman, J E Sinclair, D D Bhuva, D Godbolt, L Pan, A Nam, H Sadeghirad, K Sato, G L Bassi, K O'Byrne, C Hartmann, A F R dos Santos Miggiolaro, G L Marques, L Z Moura, D Richard, M Adams, L de Noronha, C Pellegrino Baena, J Y Suen, R Arora, G T Belz, K R Short, M J Davis, F Souza-Fonseca Guimaraes, J F Fraser.
Neurological manifestations of COVID-19 in adults and children
Sung Min Cho, Nicole White, Lavienraj Premraj, Denise Battaglini, Jonathon Fanning, Jacky Suen, Gianluigi Li Bassi, John Fraser, Chiara Robba, Matthew Griffee, Bhagteshwar Singh, Barbara Wanjiru Citarella, Laura Merson, Tom Solomon, David Thomson, the ISARIC Clinical Characterisation Group.
Add-on Therapies in VA-ECMO for Cardiogenic Shock: The Heart Recovers, Yet Other Organs Suffer
Heinsar S, Farah SM, Fraser JF.
Recovery of organ-specific tissue oxygen delivery at restrictive transfusion thresholds after fluid treatment in ovine haemorrhagic shock
Dyer WB, Simonova G, Chiaretti S, Bouquet M, Wellburn R, Heinsar S, Ainola C, Wildi K, Sato K, Livingstone S, Suen JY, Irving DO, Tung JP, Li Bassi G, Fraser JF.
Exploration of the Utility of Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography During Mechanical Ventilation and Mechanical Circulatory Support
Sato, Kei; Chan, Jonathan; Appadurai, Vinesh; Obonyo, Nchafatso; See Hoe, Louise; Suen, Jacky Y.; Fraser, John F.
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation during pregnancy and peripartal
Malfertheiner SF, Brodie D, Burrell A, Taccone FS, Broman LM, Shekar K, Agerstrand CL, Serra AL, Fraser J, Malfertheiner MV.
ECMO simulation training during a worldwide pandemic: The Role of ECMO telesimulation
Wong AS, Marwali EM, Maclaren G, Ogino M, Fraser J, Chi Keung PL, Fitria L, Adriane P, Sin SW.
Patient aggression in intensive care: A qualitative study of staff experiences
Patterson S, Flaws D, Latu J, Doo I, Tronstad O.
Prospective study on embolization of intracranial aneurysms with the pipeline device (PREMIER study): 3 year results
R Hanel, G Cortez1, D Lopes, P Nelson, A Siddiqui, P Jabbour, V Pereira, I István, O Zaidat, C Bettegowda, G Colby, M Mokin, C Schirmer, F Hellinger, C Given, T Krings, P Taussky, G Toth, J Fraser, M Chen, R Priest, P Kan, D Fiorella, D Frei, B Aagaard-Kienitz, O Diaz, A Malek, C Cawley, A Puri, D Kallmes.
In Vitro Hemocompatibility Evaluation of Modified Rotary Left to Right Ventricular Assist Devices in Pulmonary Flow Conditions
Chan, Chris Hoi Houng; Nandakumar, Deepika; Balletti, Nicoletta; Horobin, Jarod; Wu, Eric Lee-Jan; Bouquet, Mahe; Stephens, Andrew; Pauls, Jo P.; Tansley, Geoff; Fraser, John F; Simmonds, Michael J; Gregory, Shaun D. ASAIO Journal: June 2020 - Volume 66 - Issue 6 - p 637-644
Low flow rate alters haemostatic parameters in an ex-vivo extracorporeal membrane oxygenation circuit
Ki KK, Passmore MR, Chan CHH, Malfertheiner MV, Fanning JP, Bouquet M, Millar JE, Fraser JF, Suen JY.
ISARIC-COVID-19 dataset: A Prospective, Standardized, Global Dataset of Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19
ISARIC Clinical Characterization Group, Esteban Garcia-Gallo, Laura Merson, Kalynn Kennon, Sadie Kelly, Barbara Wanjiru Citarella, Daniel Vidali Fryer, Sally Shrapnel, James Lee, Sara Duque, Yuli V. Fuentes, Valeria Balan, Sue Smith, Jia Wei, Bronner P. Gonçalves, Clark D. Russell, Louise Sigfrid, Andrew Dagens, Piero L. Olliaro, Joaquin Baruch, Christiana Kartsonaki, Jake Dunning, Amanda Rojek, Aasiyah Rashan, Abi Beane, Srinivas Murthy & Luis Felipe Reyes
Nutrition adequacy, gastrointestinal, and hepatic function during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in critically ill adults: A retrospective observational study.
Rozanne Visvalingam, Emma Ridley, Adrian Barnett. Tony Rahman, John F. Fraser.
Current intraoperative storage and handling practices of autologous bypass conduit: A survey of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
AB Haymet, N Pinto, S Peden, T Cohen, MP Vallely, D McGiffin, R Naidoo, J Jenkins, JY Suen, JF Fraser.
Association between Early Mobilization in the ICU and Psychiatric Symptoms after Surviving a Critical Illness
Watanabe S, Liu K, Nakamura K, Kozu R, Horibe T, Ishii K, Yasumura D, Takahashi Y, Nanba T, Morita Y, Kanaya T, Suzuki S, Lefor AK, Katsukawa H, Kotani T.
Effects of Mechanical Insufflation-Exsufflation With Different Pressure Settings on Respiratory Mucus Displacement During Invasive Ventilation
Joan-Daniel Martí, Roberto Martínez-Alejos, Xabier Pilar-Diaz, Hua Yang, Francesco Pagliara, Denise Battaglini, Andrea Meli, Milan Yang, Joaquim Bobi, Monsterrat Rigol, Oystein Tronstad, Marcia Souza Volpe, Marcelo Britto Passos Amato, Gianluigi Li Bassi and Antoni Torres.
Anti-Fouling Surfaces for Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation by Surface Grafting of Hydrophilic Sulfoxide Polymers
Yuhao Zhang, Meili Zhang, Xin Xu, Chris H. H. Chan, Hui Peng, David J. T. Hill, Changkui Fu, John Fraser, and Andrew K. Whittaker