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90 publications published by the CCRG research team.
63 publications published by the CCRG research team.
79 publications published by the CCRG research team.
74 publications published by the CCRG research team.
53 publications published by the CCRG research team.
63 publications published by the CCRG research team.
31 publications published by the CCRG research team.
38 publications published by the CCRG research team.
38 publications published by the CCRG research team.
48 publications published by the CCRG research team.
35 publications published by the CCRG research team.
38 publications published by the CCRG research team.
25 publications published by the CCRG research team.
24 publications published by the CCRG research team.
12 publications published by the CCRG research team.
4 publications published by the CCRG research team.
5 publications published by the CCRG research team.
5 publications published by the CCRG research team.
1 publication published by the CCRG research team.
Tracheostomy timing and outcome in critically ill patients with stroke: a meta-analysis and meta-regression
Premraj L, Camarda C, White N, Godoy DA, Cuthbertson BH, Rocco PRM, Pelosi P, Robba C, Suarez JI, Cho SM & Battaglini D.
Cerebrovascular Complications of COVID-19 on Venovenous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
AM Zaaqoq, MJ Griffee, TL Kelly, JP Fanning, S Heinsar, JY Suen, Jacky, S Mariani, G Li Bassi, JP Jacobs, N White, JF Fraser, R Lorusso, GJ Peek, S Cho, COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium
Effect of flow change on brain injury during an experimental model of differential hypoxaemia in cardiogenic shock supported by ECMO
S Rozencwajg, S Heinsar, K Wildi, J Jung, SM Colombo, C Palmieri, K Sato, C Ainola, X Wang, G Abbate, N Sato, WB Dyer, S Livingstone, L Helms, N Bartnikowski, M Bouquet, MR Passmore, K Hyslop, B Vidal, JD Reid, D McGuire, ES Wilson, I Rätsep, R Lorusso, M Schmidt, JY Suen, G Li Bassi, JF Fraser.
Association of accompanying dyspnea with diagnosis and outcome of patients presenting with acute chest discomfort
J Boeddinghaus, T Nestelberger, L Koechlin, P Lopez-Ayala, D Wussler, M Mais, L Zwimpfer, T Zimmermann, K Wildi, M Rubini Giménez, I Strebel, Ò Miró, FJ Martin-Sanchez, J Parenica, DI Keller, DM Gualandro, CH Nickel, R Bingisser, M Christ, C Mueller
IFI27 transcription is an early predictor for COVID-19 outcomes
M Shojaei, A Shamshirian, J Monkman, L Grice, M Tran, CW Tan, SM Teo, RG Rodrigues, TR McCulloch, M Nalos, M Raei, A Razavi, R Ghasemian, M Gheibi, F Roozbeh, PD Sly, KM Spann, Y Chew Keng, Y Zhu, Y Xia, TJ Wells, AC Senegaglia, CL Kuniyoshi, CL Franck, AFR dos Santos, L de Noronha, S Motamen, R Valadan, O Amjadi, R Gogna, E Madan, R Alizadeh-Navaei, L Lamperti, F Zuñiga, E Nova-Lamperti, G Labarca, B Knippenberg, V Herwanto, Y Wang, A Phu, T Chew, T Kwan, K Kim, S Teoh, TM Pelaia, WS Kuan, Y Jee, J Iredell, K O’Byrne, JF Fraser, MJ Davis, GT Belz, ME Warkiani, CS Gallo, F Souza-Fonseca-Guimaraes, Q Nguyen, A Mclean, A Kulasinghe, KR Short, B Tang.
Inhaled amikacin for pneumonia treatment and dissemination prevention
Ana Motos, Hua Yang, Gianluigi Li Bassi, Minlan Yang, Andrea Meli, Denise Battaglini, Roberto Cabrera, Joaquim Bobi, Francesco Pagliara, Gerard Frigola, Marta Camprubí‑Rimblas, Laia Fernández‑Barat, Montserrat Rigol, Antoni Ferrer‑Segarra, Kasra Kiarostami, Daniel Martinez, David P. Nicolau, Antonio Artigas, Paolo Pelosi, Jordi Vila, and Antoni Torres
Morbid obesity’s impact on COVID-19 patients requiring venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: The covid-19 critical care consortium database review
Javidfar, J., Zaaqoq, A. M., Labib, A., Barnett, A. G., Hayanga, J. A., Eschun, G., Yamashita, M. H., Jacobs, J. P., Heinsar, S., Suen, J. Y., Fraser, J. F., Bassi, G. L., Arora, R. C., Peek, G. J., & Covid-19 Critical Care Consortium
Pathogenesis Underlying Neurological Manifestations of Long COVID Syndrome and Potential Therapeutics
A Leng, M Shah, SA Ahmad, L Premraj, K Wildi, G Li Bassi, CA Pardo, A Choi, S Cho.
A novel speckle-tracking echocardiographic parameter considering left ventricular loading condition in cardiogenic shock during VA ECMO
Kei Sato, Silver Heinsar, Karin Susanne Wildi, Nchafatso Obonyo, Keibun Liu, Samia Farah, Carmen Ainola, Noriko Sato, Gabriele Fior, Sun Kyun Ro, Lucia Gandini, Shinichi Ijuin, Mahe Bouquet, Emily Wilson, Margaret Passmore, Kieran Hyslop, Jonathan H. Chan, David Platts, Jacky Suen, Gianluigi Li Bassi, John Fraser
Hemorrhage, Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy, and Thrombosis Complications Among Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19
Fanning, Jonathon P., Weaver, Natasha, Fanning, Robert B., Griffee, Matthew J., Cho Sung-Min, Panigada, Mauro, Obonyo, Nchafatso G. Zaaqoq, Akram M.; Rando, Hannah; Chia, Yew Woon; Fan, Bingwen Eugene; Sela, Declan; Chiumello, Davide; Coppola, Silvia; Labib, Ahmed; Whitman, Glenn J. R.; Arora, Rakesh C.; Kim, Bo S.; Motos, Anna; Torres, Antoni; Barbé, Ferran; Grasselli, Giacomo; Zanella, Alberto; Etchill, Eric; Usman, Asad Ali MMD, MPH30; Feth, Maximilian; White, Nicole M.; Suen, Jacky Y.; Li Bassi, Gianluigi; Peek, Giles J.; Fraser, John F.; Dalton, Heidi on behalf of the COVID-19 Critical Care Consortium (COVID Critical)
A Comprehensive Evaluation of Hemodynamic Energy Production and Circuit Loss using Four Different ECMO Arterial Cannulae
Silver Heinsar, Nicole Bartnikowski, Gunter Hartel, Samia M. Farah, E-Peng Seah, Eric Wu, Sebastiano Maria Colombo, Clayton Semenzin, Andrew Haymet, Indrek Rätsep, Jo Pauls, John F. Fraser, Jacky Y. Suen
Hyperacute T Wave in the Early Diagnosis of Acute Myocardial Infarction
Luca Koechlin, Ivo Strebel, Tobias Zimmermann, Thomas Nestelberger, Joan Walter, Pedro Lopez-Ayala, Jasper Boeddinghaus, Samyut Shrestha, Ketina Arslani, Sabrina Stefanelli, Benedikt Reuthebuch, Desiree Wussler, Paul David Ratmann, Michael Christ, Patrick Badertscher, Karin Wildi, Maria Rubini Giménez, Danielle M Gualandro, Òscar Miró, Carolina Fuenzalida, F Javier Martin-Sanchez, Damian Kawecki, Franz Bürgler, Dagmar I Keller, Roger Abächerli, Oliver Reuthebuch, Friedrich S Eckstein, Raphael Twerenbold, Tobias Reichlin, Christian Mueller; APACE investigators.
The ProtekDuo dual-lumen cannula for temporary acute mechanical circulatory support in right heart failure: A systematic review
Joseph M Brewer, Massimo Capoccia, Dirk M Maybauer, Roberto Lorusso, Justyna Swol and Marc O Maybauer
Mitigation effect of cell exclusion on blood damage in spiral groove bearings
Chris Hoi Houng Chan, Tomotaka Murashige, Shelby A. Bieritz, Clayton Semenzin, Amanda Smith, Laura Leslie, Michael J. Simmonds and Geoff D. Tansley
Predictors of Intensive Care Admission in Hypoxemic Bronchiolitis Infants, Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Trial
Franklin, D., Babl, F. E., Neutze, J., Craig, S., Oakley, E., Furyk, J., Frampton, C. M., Hasan, N., Pham, T. M., Miller, L., Fraser, J. F., Dalziel, S. R., & Schibler, A.
Patient characteristics and preferences for a surgical prehabilitation program design
Gurunathan, U., Tronstad, O. & Stonell, C. Patient characteristics and preferences for a surgical prehabilitation program design: results from a pilot survey. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol (2022).
Stress response during early sedation with dexmedetomidine compared with usual-care in ventilated critically ill patients
John P. R. Moore, Yahya Shehabi, Michael C. Reade, Michael Bailey, John F. Fraser, Lauren Murray, Christopher Anstey and Mervyn Singer
Machines that help machines to help patients: optimising antimicrobial dosing in patients receiving ECMO and RRT using dosing software
Roberts J.A, Bellomo R, Cotta M.O, Koch B.C.P, Lyster H, Ostermann M, Roger C, Shekar K, Watt K, Abdul-Aziz M.H.